賴清德出席國際媒體茶會 倡「價值外交新時代」展現台灣良善的力量

文/Newtalk新聞 魯闍
民進黨黨主席暨總統參選人賴清德25日受邀出席國際媒體茶敘,致詞中表示,未來將致力引領「價值外交新時代」,擴大台灣的國際合作,向世界展現台灣是一股良善的力量。 圖:民進黨提供
Good afternoon, friends from the international media. Thank you, Thompson and Chris from TFCC for co-hosting this event with us. 各位國際媒體的好朋友們大家午安。感謝來自台灣外國記者會的Thompson和 Chris邀請我們來共同舉行這場茶會。
Let me start by expressing my appreciation to all members of the international media here in Taiwan. Your presence in Taiwan has certainly grown. This is reflective of the international community’s eagerness to learn more about Taiwan. It also signifies the profound importance of peace and stability to people around the world.
As all of you who live and work here understand, there is much more to Taiwan than just cross-strait tensions and regional security. Taiwan has a wealth of stories to report. We are a democratic country where people can express themselves freely. Taiwan is also proud to lead the world in trade, technology, culture, and innovation.
These achievements are worth cherishing. But they also need to be protected. In the future, I will lead a ‘New Era of Values-based Diplomacy’ – a framework that sees our common values as our greatest source of strength. Under the principles of democracy, peace, and prosperity, I will expand our international cooperation, forge new linkages with global partners, and showcase Taiwan as a force for good around the world.
Let me begin with the concept of democracy. During my recent travel to Paraguay and the U.S., I saw firsthand the significance of the democratic values that unite us. I met with young people who had benefited from Taiwan’s support in women’s empowerment, education, and healthcare. In the U.S., we are expanding cooperation in education, science and technology, international development, and humanitarian assistance. These are some of the areas I will seek to expand in the future.
首先在民主方面,在我最近訪問巴拉圭及過境美國期間,我親眼見證民主價值如何將我們團結在一起。在巴拉圭,我與許多在婦女賦權、教育計畫與健康照護方面受益於台灣的青年會面。而在美國,我們也正在擴大在教育、科學、科技、國際發展與人道救援等各方面的合作。 這些都是我在未來會持續拓展的其中幾個領域。
Confronted with growing concerns over authoritarian influences around the world, Taiwan will present an alternative vision rooted in respect for human rights, democracy, and sustainability. I will work vigorously to deepen cooperation with existing allies and partners, while also pursuing new friendships with countries that share our ideals and principles.
Second, we will act in tandem with global partners in support of peace and stability in the region.
I closely followed the summit at Camp David involving leaders from the U.S., Japan, and South Korea, who reaffirmed “the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as an indispensable element of security and prosperity in the international community.” Through words and actions, the international community has made clear that Taiwan’s security is of global concern and that peace must be preserved.
These messages have resonated strongly in Taiwan. They show that despite Beijing’s best efforts, democracies are aligned in defense of our common values and interests. However, they also remind us that there is much work remaining on the path to peace.
In an op-ed published last month in The Wall Street Journal, I laid out some of the actions I will take to enhance Taiwan’s resiliency. These include building our defense deterrence, strengthening economic security, forging closer international partnerships, and exerting steady and principled cross-strait leadership.
At the same time, my support for the cross-strait status quo will be unwavering. I will uphold President Tsai’s four commitments which is framework that has enabled the world to clearly see Taiwan for what it is: a source of stability amidst growing global uncertainties.
And finally, I will bring to the forefront efforts to promote shared economic prosperity around the world. Whether in terms of investment, trade, or technology, Taiwan has much to offer the international community. We produce over 90 percent of the world’s advanced semiconductors. We are also a leader in industries ranging from precision machinery to textiles. All of this gives us a strong foundation to build closer economic partnerships.
最後,我將努力促進世界各國共享的經濟繁榮。無論在投資、貿易或科技方面,台灣都有能力帶給國際社會諸多貢獻。我們生產全球九成以上的先進半導體,同時我們也是 從精密機械到紡織等許多產業的領導者。這些都將成為我們與各國建立更緊密經濟夥伴關係的堅強後盾。
Even as Beijing engages in unfair trade practices against our agricultural products, potentially in an effort to undermine the coming elections, we remain clear-eyed about our long-term prospects. We must continue to diversify our economy, reduce economic and trade risks, participate in supply chain discussions, and reinforce our industrial resiliency amid growing cross-strait challenges. All of this is not only in Taiwan’s best interest – it also advances economic prosperity around the world.
The ‘New Era of Values-based Diplomacy’ embodies my commitment towards a globally-facing Taiwan. Confronted with Beijing’s promotion of the ‘one country, two systems’ framework, we choose instead to stand united with global partners. Following a principle of ‘standing firm while exercising restraint,’ we will responsibly ensure peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. 「價值外交新時代」象徵著我們面向國際的堅定意志。當對岸選擇「一國兩制」時,我們會選擇與世界並肩同行,以「不退縮,也不冒進」的原則,負責任地維護印太區域 的和平與穩定。
I wish to thank you again for your interest in our democratic elections and continuous coverage of Taiwan. I look forward to your questions in the time ahead.