

美國眾議院榮休議長南茜•裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)


美國眾議院榮休議長南茜•裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)星期四(8月2日)在三藩市發表聲明,紀念她率領一個國會代表團對台灣進行歷史性訪問一周年。她強調,美國對台灣和全世界自由和人權的承諾繼續是強大的。以下是聲明全文:




Pelosi Statement Marking One Year Since Historic Visit to Taiwan

San Francisco – Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi issued this statement marking one year since she led an historic Congressional delegation to Taiwan:

「One year ago, our Congressional delegation’s arrival in Taiwan sent an unequivocal message to the world: America stands with Taiwan as it defends itself and its freedom. Our consequential visit to Taiwan did not represent a change in our one China policy, but it did honor the unwavering commitment America has made to Taiwan: grounded in mutual security, shared values and economic success.

「The response to our visit that I have received from around the world has been very positive. And in the year since, many additional engagements with Taiwan – including visits from Members of Congress from the House and the Senate and from both parties – have further deepened bilateral ties. Important among our engagement was the historic visit to the United States by President Tsai, where she was fittingly received by the Speaker of the House and a bipartisan Congressional delegation at the Reagan Library.

「Solidarity with the people of Taiwan is as important as ever, as our world faces a stark choice between democracy and autocracy. Beijing’s continued aggression against Taiwan is cowardly and cannot be met with silence. Make no mistake: America’s commitment to freedom and human rights – in Taiwan and around the world – remains formidable.」

連結:美国众议院荣休议长佩洛西发表声明纪念历史性访台一周年 (voachinese.com)